Why are Indian Youths Attracted to Communism?

Communists are like the Evil King Ravana.
Communists, like Ravana had many faces, have many faces. One face of Communism inflame people to break laws and damage the nation, one face presents the scenario in a different perspective to the public, one face fights as Human Rights Activists for the culprits and another face defends them in the courts.
Ravana had 10 heads, means 10 mouths to speak, but had only two hands.
Just like that, the Communists have many mouths to speak, like electronic media, print media, politicians, NGOs, social media, etc. But they can’t do much physically, like armed revolt. They can only flame others to pick up weapons against state.
The leaves of the trees which are firmly connected to the branches don’t flow with the wind, they stay intact even during storms. While the leaves on the ground flow with the wind and spread dirtiness in the environment during storms.
Just like that, people who don’t have a firm political opinion or aren’t politically aware flow with the wind of communism. While those who are aware and firmly connected to their roots of the values of the nation, are unaffected from Communism.


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